The parish of Wolfhampcote includes the hamlets of Flecknoe, Nethercote and Sawbridge and Woflhampcote itself.
In 1889 the Rev. G. T. Simpson became the new vicar of the parish. A few months after his arrival he called a public meeting to announce his wish to build a church in Flecknoe :
“The hamlet of Flecknoe is about two miles from the Parish Church at Wolfhampcote, and the aged, infirm and young children were never able to attend, and many others who could were not inclined in wet weather to trudge through the tenacious mud of a partly grass grown road.” (See full article below for more details.)
The church of St Mark’s of Flecknoe was built and is in use still today.

Tax Wrangles in the Parish
Yet another parish is arguing over its taxes. The hamlets of Nethercott, Sawbridge and Flecknoe disagree with the inhabitants of the deserted Medieval village of Wovencott (Wolfhamcote) over the portion of tax that each of them should pay.
The Justices of the Peace at Warwick have asked Edward Humfries and the local High Constable of Knightlow Hundred, Mr. John Clarke, who both reside in Grandborough, to hear the dispute and settle it. If they cannot do so, they are to refer the matter to the Justices at the next Sessions.